Blue Dolphin Moorii Cichlid

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  • Regular price $12.00

Blue Dolphin Cichlid 

 (Cyrotocara moori)

The Blue Dolphin Cichlid, also known as Blue Moorii, is a rare cichlid species. Their scientific name, Cyrotocara moori, is in honor of the English cytologist and biologist, John Edmund Sharrock Moore.  They are a vibrant blue color with small black markings throughout the body, and their skin is made up of wet and slimy scales. It has a length body that can develop up to 10 inches (25 cm) in length and as they mature, they develop a hump on its head that looks like a pointy snout. They originate from the waters of Lake Malawi in Africa and are usually found in sandy coastal areas or rift lakes.